Monday, 25 October 2010

Mental Apartheid

In the era of colonization, Afrikaans found themselves prisoners in their own land. the land, Dutch colonizators took away from them. During a decade, Afrikaners, descendants of the original Dutch settlers passed laws forcing blacks and people of mixed race to live and work in restricted areas, and barred them from owning land outside those areas.

They were educated only enough to perform basic labor in white-run industries, They could not socialize with whites, have a voice in government, or even travel outside their designated areas without government approval. All blacks--who made up 70 percent of the population--had to carry "pass books" that recorded their movements, and could be arrested for inviting whites to their homes without approval.

"We speak out to put the world on guard against what is happening in South Africa. The brutal policy of apartheid is applied before the eyes of the nations of the world. The peoples of Africa are compelled to endure the fact that on the African continent the superiority of one race over another remains official policy, and that in the name of this racial superiority murder is committed with impunity. Can the United Nations do nothing to stop this?" — Che Guevara, speech to the United Nations as Cuba's representative, December 11, 1964.

Then 30 years after a inter/nationwide revolutionary movement, the Apartheid was bannished. However, from the looks of this report, it seems like, the Apartheid never died -why? In 1994, they only abolished the physical and institutionnal aspect of the segregation, whereas South- africans were conditionned by a mental Apartheid, in the first place. The fundamental core of the Apartheid were completely neglected, that's why racial segregation is still predominating; but at the only difference that now, it's anti-white.

Modern Apartheid is a contradiction for some but, a reverse evolution for others.

What if, Racism was a logical part of Evolutionism - The theory of evolution?
What if, Racism was a necessary evil, in the name of the Advancement of humanity ?
Mental Apartheid is a psychic conditioning- You fought it, when you live beyond it.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

"Missié Guerlain" - Don't hate the player. Hate the game

Depuis l'incident, une déferlante cybernétique a eu raison de "Missié Guerlain" et le cerveau de milliers d'internautes, avec. Oyé Oyé! J'appelle au boycott, scandaient des milliers de révoltés. Coup de chapeau! le dérapage cosmétiquement hypnotique de Guerlain aura donc fait office de diversion, lorsque de l'autre rive politique le gouvernement Sarkozy n'arrive pas à faire accepter sa réforme des retraites. Ma foi, heureusement pour ces gens là, la polémique a aussi ça d'abêtir l'opinion publique, d'hypnotiser et de la détourner des vrais problèmes.

Il y'a un deux poids- deux mesures, une divergence de traitements et d'approches médiatiques, juridiques et populaires lorsqu'il s'agit de l'antisémitisme, j'ai entendu dire. Et où va le monde, j'ai envie de dire ! Il ne s'agit pas d'une compétition victimaire, ni d'une compétition mémorielle ! Soulignons plutôt le caractère récidiviste et le tort générationnel causé à l'homme par l'homme


Voilà ce que j'en pense! Cela peut-être très inquiétant de ne ressentir une once d'indignation à l'égard de ce personnage, de banaliser (certains diront) les propos racistes. Je pense que c'est trop simpliste de faire des gros-plans sur les dérives de la société quand on en esquive délibérement les sources. Ce vieillard est le fruit d'un système désuét, encore rythmé aux heures coloniales.D'où Don't hate the player, hate the Game. Ils sont plein dans les rues françaises et partout ailleurs, cessons d'être hypocrites. Ils sont plein à avoir refoulé l'ère post-coloniale, les dites-indépendances.Pourquoi ? Prédominance oligarchique . Oui, mais encore ?

Ne te méprends pas à te mettre dans la peau de l'Ancêtre, alors que gardien des mémoires, tu ne veux qu' être.

Nègre , le conflit des races est vain, ne t'y affaires point.

Le raciste est un ignorant qui ne demande pas à connaître - Ne lui offrons pas ce plaisir.

signée La nègresse cosmopolite.

Monday, 18 October 2010

The Crusades never end. The 21st century is The Modern Crusade.

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Terrorism - Threat or Conspiracy?

Of little which I know about it, the terrorism would be the illegitimate and illegal use by non-state groups, anarchists, of the violence for ideological or political purposes.

- According to United Nations

The terrorism is a method of violent action repeated inspiring the anxiety, used by individual secret actors, in groups or state, (half) immigrants, for idiosyncratiques, criminal or political reasons, according to whom - by opposition to the murder - the direct targets of the violence are not the main targets. The immediate human victims of the violence are generally chosen at random ( second-hand targets) or selectively ( representative or symbolic targets) in a target population and serve as generators of message.
The processes of communication based on the violence or the threat between the terrorist (organizations), the (potential) victims, and the main targets are used to treat the main target, by making a target of the terror, a target of requirements, or a target of attention, as the intimidation, the pressure, or the propaganda is the first purpose, " (Schmid, on 1988).

- United States

The United States defined the terrorism in the Federal Criminal Code (Section 2331 of the Chapter 113B of the Part(Party) I of the Title 18 [ 4 ]) as:

" Activities implying violent acts … in violation of the criminal laws of the United States or any State and appearing intended i) to intimidate or to force a civil population; ii) to influence the policy of a government by the intimidation or the constraint; now iii) to affect the behavior of a government by destruction of mass, murder, or kidnapping;''

“ Civilization is based on a clearly defined and widely accepted yet often unarticulated hierarchy. Violence done by those higher on the hierarchy to those lower is nearly always invisible, that is, unnoticed. When it is noticed, it is fully rationalized. Violence done by those lower on the hierarchy to those higher is unthinkable, and when it does occur is regarded with shock, horror, and the fetishization of the victims. ” - Derrick Jensen

Well, I believe that those violences has been escalated, '' those higher on the hierarchy'' have purposely created this era of terror. The system elaborates disinformation, propaganda, conspiracy theories, strategies of tension (tactics which consists in committing itself criminal attacks and in attributing them to somebody else) and fomenting of terrorist attacks - all this for which motive? The establishment of the New Order World, predominated by the greatest ideology - the greatest civilization - the greatest religion- the greatest nations.

The demonization of Islam could be a masquerade consisting in developing the fear of the public opinion , in alimenting wars - unofficial oil wars or religious wars. The terrorism would be then a war of diversion, a substitute war.

As matter of fact, the terrorism isn't an islamic label as many want us to believe, these exactions are bilateral, and he who, will lead a nationalist vendetta, will vindicate and legitimize the upcoming crimes.

Fear and Ignorance are the enemy.

In the name of Freedom of expression

Hossein Derakhshan was sentenced after being convicted of several offences, including spreading propaganda against the ruling establishment and insulting Islamic thoughts and religious figures. The 35-year-old was also convicted of promoting counter-revolutionary groups and working with "enemy states," because he visited Israel five years ago.

There is no place for a journalist in jail. I highly advocate for civil liberties, thus I stand for Hossein Derakhashan and every guardian of the freedom of press in the entire world, who've been punished or assassinated for simply exercising one's inherent right to freedom of expression.

“I detest what you write, but I would give my life to make it possible for you to continue to write.” - Voltaire